Five Difference between Protectorate and Vassal State

Protectorate State Vs Vassal State

Difference between Protectorate and Vassal State

Protectorate State :- When one State surrender itself by an agreement embodied in a treaty, the administration of certain important international affairs, to the protection of another state,a kind of relationship is established between two states known as Protectorate.

 According to Starke, Although not completely independent, a Protectorate State may enjoy a sufficient measure of sovereignty to claim jurisdictional immunity in the territory of another state, it may also still remain a State under international law.

Thus, Protectorate State are not sovereign States.However they are prima facie independent and the possessor of all rights which they have not surrendered. A Protectorate State can remain a State under international law and may possess some rights and immunities.

Vassal State :- A State which is under the suzerainty of another state is called a Vassal State. Its  independence is so restricted that It has no importance under international law.
According to Starke, "Vassal State is one which is completely under the suzerainty of another state. Internationally it's independence is so restricted as scarcely exist at all.
In it's foreign affairs the Vassal State possess no power and all its foreign policies are governed by the state of which he is a Vassal State.

Five Difference between Protectorate and Vassal State

Following are the Five differences between a Protectorate and Vassal State:

1. A Protectorate State, through a treaty entrusts it's matter of security, defense and external affairs to another state.A Vassal State is autonomous in its internal affairs, but is completely dependent upon other State in external affairs.

2. A Protectorate State may become a member of international community. A Vassal State is not regarded a member of the international community.

3. If any war is declared by the protecting State against any country, then the Protectorate State is not necessarily involved in that war. Thus, the treaty entered into by the protecting State is not binding upon the Protectorate State.
In the case of a Vassal State, it is not bound by the treaty entered into by the protecting State.

4. A Protectorate State is not completely sovereign and in fact its sovereignty is taken by the country of which it becomes a Protectorate State.
A Vassal State is a semi-sovereign State.

5. Protectorate State may remain a State.
Vassal State is completely under the suzerainty of another state and has no separate and independent existence under international law.

S.K.Kapoor, International Law
H.O.Agarwal, International Law

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